lessphp fatal error: load error: failed to find /services3/g/s/gsengineering.ro/public/wp-content/themes/theme48188/bootstrap/less/bootstrap.lesslessphp fatal error: load error: failed to find /services3/g/s/gsengineering.ro/public/wp-content/themes/theme48188/style.less LEGISLATION – cadastre and land registration | GSE - Geo Services Engineering


In aceasta sectiune veti gasi principalele acte legislative care reglementeaza desfasurarea activitatii noastre, grupate pe domenii de interes.  Cadastru si inscriere in Cartea Funciara:

Obtinere autorizatie de construire/ desfiintare – scoatere din circuitul agricol

Alte acte legislative de interes: